121: Pt. 1 Being Stretched – The Next Agers

121: Pt. 1 Being Stretched – The Next Agers

Listen in on the conversation the Next Agers had about our personal areas of stretching in this season. The Next Agers are a group of “church” misfits who decided to step into the Next Age with Father. We don’t always agree, in fact – most of us disagree on a...
90: Pt. 1 Revelations of Deep Trust – Next Agers

90: Pt. 1 Revelations of Deep Trust – Next Agers

The Next Agers are a group of church misfits who decided to step into the Next Age with Father.  We don’t always agree, in fact – most of us disagree on a lot of things.  But we’re called to unity, and agree that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and that...