198: Pt. 2 The Hour to Cry Out | Nancy Knopp

198: Pt. 2 The Hour to Cry Out | Nancy Knopp

In this episode we focus on Nancy’s spiritual journey and career highlights, including her transformative experience with the International House of Prayer (IHOP).  She also shares a significant dream from 2013 that holds prophetic significance for the church and...
197: Pt. 1 Signs, Wonders & Miracles | Nancy Knopp

197: Pt. 1 Signs, Wonders & Miracles | Nancy Knopp

I am so blessed to be able to call this POWERHOUSE woman my friend!  She is resilient, brilliant and blessed. Growing up in a conservative church and family, she didn’t know what to do with her prophetic gifting…but God did!  You’ll enjoy hearing her story and be...
196: Pt. 2 Fighting from Heaven | Adri Venter

196: Pt. 2 Fighting from Heaven | Adri Venter

Adri is an amazing friend, confidant, rescuer, and warrior for the Kingdom of God. She is one who makes the realm of darkness shake in its boots! I am so extraordinarily blessed to know her and call her a dear friend, so it is my honor and privilege to share some more...
194: Pt. 1 Stepping in Deeper | Sabrina Hammonds

194: Pt. 1 Stepping in Deeper | Sabrina Hammonds

I am so blessed by people like Sabrina! She knew there was more, that God had MORE for her and her family…and she went after it! She has an inspiring story about walking out starting her business step by step with the Lord.  Enjoy! BIO: Sabrina Hammonds is passionate...