Spirit-Centered Business celebrates the Women of South Africa in this special episode!
God is moving and shaking, and raising up innovative entrepreneurial women who have awakened to the spiritual revelation of their kingship in the marketplace.

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SCB is doing a 100% match
of any funds donated to help the Women of South Africa.

Funds go to provide services they have asked for:
  1. Tribe Talk, a safe place to discuss and process spiritual experiences
  2. Activation Group, where we go into the heavenly Business Complex for resources, strategy and direction.
  3. Business coaching with Bralynn
(Feel free to contact us if you would like to match funds as well.)
We have already been able to provide 5 months of membership to two women, as well as enrollment into the Quantum Capacity Business Challenge because of generous donations from people like you!
Please share this episode out!  Blessings!