S. Elizabeth Gomes is a mystical solutionist with a heart ignited with passion to see the sons of YHWH walk as living love lights in the transfiguration power of Holy Spirit.  She has a deep, passionate, burning love relationship with Abba. He is her “one thing.” From this place of her union with Him, she is committed to help facilitate the maturing of the sons of Yahweh through the Ecclesia of Burning Ones she founded in 2013.

“There are no words, in any language, that can adequately describe my YHWH. He has rocked me from the inside out and I continue to live in the transforming power of His love. I love Him, simply but more than that, He loves me faithfully.”

Elizabeth is a visionary and wears several hats in this glorious adventure, weaving together book publishing, designing websites, video editing, and other creative expressions into a wonderful mural.

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– 2 Kings 7 story of the 4 lepers
– Four men is very intentional because 4 in Hebrew is dalet, or door which is Yeshua.
– When we were created God encoded in us who we are
– The lie of rejection started at the beginning in the garden
-The scripture is very intentional
– No matter how you feel, get up
– How we see something is important, it’s our perspective
– Everything comes out of relationship
– Jesus is our plumbline
– Our business is not separate from who we are and what we do
– Know him and be known by him
– It’s amazing what we can do when we shift our perspective
– Shift and enjoy the journey

1) God can cause your 1st step toward your destiny to sound like an army marching to the enemy.  Don’t worry about being between a rock and a hard place.  Just GET UP and start moving!

2) The Hebrew Letters were part of creation. They are encoded, speaking, and living inside of us. This is how  we were created. So incredible!

3) We can get up because he has promised and he is not going anywhere. He is God with us! We can grab his hand and get up!

4) Because we are visionaries, when we see people we can see their potential.

5) There is a boldness, a peace, and a rest in surrender. It all has to be embodied in the place of love and the person of love because it can’t be done in any other way.

6)  Mark 12:30-31 – Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

– Perspective is important.  Get up!
– There is something about God that blows my mind because his justice, kindness, and goodness is for ALL people.
– The giving is a dance. The dance of giving is a principle in the scripture.
– Going up has to do with transformation of who we are. It’s a transformation of us into his image and likeness.
– When you are in love with God, that union brings you into the place of rest.
– When I am completely surrendered and abandoned to God I become a living flame of love. That union then causes my neighbor to engage and enter into that same love.

–  Elizabeth’s publishing company:  https://www.ecclesiapublishing.com
–  Ecclesia of Burning Ones: https://www.ecclesiaofburningones.com

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