Candace and I get into practical tips on business and finances. And then we jump into a quantum discussion about creating. We recommend Joe Dispenza to learn more. In case you missed part 1, grab it on, or YouTube or wherever you’re enjoying the show.

***HUGE shout out to Candace as well!!!***
She is now a super sponsor for the show! Please help me in sending blessings and abundance her way, and lifting her up in prayer.

Two critical keys to succeed: Integrity & sowing back into the Kingdom of God
He puts seed in the hands of the sower. You just have to look for it.
People who sow chaos stand out. You can tell what they sow by the harvest of their lives.
We want to negotiate if the Word of God will work or not, but the Kingdom of God is not a democracy. Once the King has spoken it is done, and it does work.
A law is a set of actions you put into motions that have a predictable outcome. So whatever you want out of your business, sow that – put it out there.
Be integrous with what you offer. Don’t do “whatever” to get the sale. DON’T chase the money! The bible says money will chase you down.
Know when to sever a relationship. Sometimes love looks like walking away from somebody.
Take responsibility for your own personal integrity. If you don’t have your own house cleaned up, no one wants you telling them what to do.
The product that’s in your heart is more meaningful than the product you’re offering to other people.
Loving people is sometimes step by step, and you may have to borrow God’s love for them until you can feel your own.

Contact Candace at:
Be sure to use “From Bralynn’s Show” in the Subject line!

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