– Changing legislation in your culture
– Advocating and speaking justice for the youth with no voice
– What happens when propositions get changed
– Impacting our culture as believers
– Organizations coming together
– Engaging in our legal system
– Praying for our leaders
– Supported version route, offering resources and job training
– The Earn It Act
– Social media and networks allowing provocative photos and exploitation
– Peggy’s personal journey that led to her “Call to Wellness” company
– Anxiety and its all time high
– Laughing technique releases your joy
– Training yourself to breathe from your diaphragm

1) Bridge network connects with like-minded advocacy groups. We participated in a huge proposition called prop 35 which was the child sex trafficking exploitation act. It was the highest proposition ever passed in California by the people. This was her first taste of changing policies.
2) Propositions get undone by other propositions getting passed. CA Prop 35 – which child exploitation targeted for minors would have sentences for 5 to 25 years. It got reduced through CA prop 4757 which now made human trafficking no longer a violent crime but only a misdemeanor.
3) God brings what we need to know when we need to know it and then we need to act and let it go. We can have an impact without being immersed in that field. This is how we can keep it from overtaking us as we encounter it in our spheres of influence so it doesn’t hurt our spirit.
4) We came together, myself, anti-trafficking organizations, faith based organizations, and the Family research council.  Family research council reached out to us about getting involved in speaking about the legislation called SB 357 which is going to legalize prostitution. It limits the law enforcement from arresting anyone that’s out on the street being prostituted. It’s decriminalizing prostitution and legallizing it.
5) I am not for prosecuting prostitutes, or as I call them sex workers. Studies show sex workers are there because they are in survival mode. They have a lot of trauma and have been groomed for this at an early age either from a relative or friend.
6) We are doing a push to have people sign and veto SB 357. Anyone can sign it, you don’t have to be a lobbyist, you can be a concerned mom, or concerned business, etc.
7) Another legislation we are trying to get the word out on, and this is an act that puts pressure on the tech companies called the Earn It Act.
8) One in four clients have sexual trauma, not just from trafficking but from bullying, suicide and substance abuse. The body of Christ has to be the solution that looks into different methods for these situations. One solution is to make money in our businesses, not for ourselves, but to use it to bring the Kingdom to earth and take our territory back.
9) Call to Wellness Company incorporates 3 things. Liebusting techniques, health coaching techniques, and the latest brain health techniques through neuroscience.

– Poorly thought out propositions allow the prison populations to go down, it’s like a movement. We still have this movement today.
– We need to be aware and involved as the body of Christ.
– We need to focus on getting legislation to target sex purchaser or the sex buyer.
– As California goes, so goes the nation.
– We let victims know there are other resources and you don’t have to keep going down this road.
– In conservative Placer county there were 2,600 leads reported for child pornography, child abuse, or sex trafficking in one year.


Bridge Network’s website:
1. Call2Wellness website:
2. Legislative Activities:
–  SB357 – Request for Veto Letter (sign up on Google) – must be from CA to oppose -or- call Gov. Newsom’s office:, or phone his office at 916.455-2841
–  EARN it ACT –  The Earn It Act is bi-partisan. Please sign to endorse the EARN IT Act The EARN IT Act (Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act) repeals near blanket                            immunity from liability enjoyed by interactive computer service companies and gives victims access to justice by allowing them to use federal civil law, and state criminal and civil law, to sue for harm they                        suffered because of the rampant sexual abuse occurring on digital platforms. It’s goal is to hold tech companies to the same standard as everyone else by removing the congressionally created immunity which              is currently protecting them from liability for the harm caused by the distribution of CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Materials / aka child pornography).  To support and share this initiative, click and sign here:               

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 March 11, 2022
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