If you missed parts 1 or 2, definitely go back wherever you enjoy the podcast or on SpiritCenteredBusiness.com and go catch parts 1 and 2. We might repeat a little bit here and there, but I really think that this is an important story. It’s an important testimony of redemption and God’s grace, and glory, and Adri’s perseverance and fortitude, her tenacity, her strength and her brilliance. And also her ability to connect to Father God in the Kingdom realm. She inspires me every single day. She doesn’t want her pain and struggle to be in vain and believes God can still use it. She’s just such a dear part of my life, and I want to share her story.


Adri is an amazing friend, confidant, rescuer, and warrior for the Kingdom of God. She is one who makes the realm of darkness shake in its boots! I am so extraordinarily blessed to know her and call her a dear friend, so it is my honor and privilege to share some of her story with you.

Currently contending with stage 4 cancer, she is not fighting the way you typically hear about. The Lord is using her unique ability to operate in the spirit realm to continue to rescue abused and trafficked children, even outside of time!


– Adri’s struggle with stage 4 cancer and severe physical pain.

– Her continued influence and impact despite her health challenges.

– Sensitive topics include extreme childhood abuse and satanic rituals.

– Adri’s role in helping others in squatter camps in South Africa.

– Conditions in squatter camps are severe, with deprivation, violence and desolation where people struggle to thrive, affecting their mindset and opportunities.

– She shared an example of helping a child who lived with seven adults in one room with language studies and math.  The child had impulse control issues and Adri had to work with him on normal societal boundaries and responsibilities. Her main goal was helping the child develop a grateful and responsible mindset, despite the severe challenges he faced.

– Adri emphasized the importance of changing the mindset of children from these environments, beyond just educational support. Introducing positive reinforcement and education is a slow process but essential for change.

– The process of removing the child from the dangerous environment took 18 months, but he is now safe.

– Overcoming the mindset of poverty and trauma is crucial for progress and healing.

Adri explains the impact of ritualistic abuse within her family, who were involved in a high-ranking occult society. All the siblings suffered horrific abuse and trauma, resulting in ongoing physical and mental health issues.

– Seeking God for wisdom, healing, and deliverance. Adri has found global support and helps traumatized children, crediting her healing to God, who creates space for miracles, even amidst her cancer diagnosis and other challenges. She finds stability and courage in her faith, which helps her navigate physical and emotional ups and downs.

– Hope that her story will inspire and help others seek God.


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