You guys probably know how much I am fascinated by the quantum realm and all things pointing to God’s amazing design of the universe. Well, Mark is a Quantum Leap Coach, and started a company to use quantum techniques to help people heal. His story is inspirational!

BIO: Mark Scherer developed an interest in spirituality and universal law at a young age after reading the Bible so he could win arguments with his parents! He began to observe how scripture interlinked with life while also seeing the contradictions in the religious community and how people that talked spirituality had contrasting lives. He took a 30 year journey of truth in which he studied Consciousness, Language, Spiritual Law and Quantum Physics from many renowned educators. He continued to work in other fields for many years while desiring to one day establish a career in personal transformation. Now he leads a team that has committed their lives to empowering others, and continues to develop their own Quantum Leap Technique™ (QLT).

– Weakness became strength
– Wake up to the power of love
– Finding God in the pain
– Choosing your thoughts
– Contemplation throughout the day
– Non-judgement of transition
– Promises God made to us

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