FREE Open Office Hour
to Ask the Questions You Can’t Ask in Church!

1st Fridays @ 3pm Eastern

I have years of experience and 100’s of hours of research under my belt…
but I don’t know everything!
I will do my best, and point you to other resources, if I can.

Fun, Safe Place

Community Guidelines:

  1. You agree to be kind, courteous and non-judgmental. We’re all learning how the Kingdom of God works and who we are in it, so no question is too basic. (Some may be too “out there” but we can cross that bridge together!)
  2. Recordings will not be made available to the public. However, some segments may be used for educational purposes in the future. If used in an educational product, no last names or images will be shared – first names and voices (for the questions) only.  Screen names are not recorded for privacy purposes.
  3. For more details, see Terms and Conditions

Please do not register for the Q & A Cafe’ if you do not agree to the above guidelines.